Distelfink Sippschaft had planned on a clean-up visit to Hexenkopf on Saturday, but the weather was too messy. Thus, it was delayed past the weekend. Unfortunately, the delay made it inconvenient for most folks, so it was just Pete and I there.

The owners of Hexenkopf keep the land very well, but people passing through occasionally leave their trash behind. As the owners have been very gracious to us by allowing us to use the land, the very least we can do is pick up any trash that we find. This visit is the precursor to our Walpurgisnacht Sege, which is fast approaching at the end of the month.

It was very windy outside, which was quite appropriate for a site that is sacred to Haerrin Holle! In the Heilichtum, the wind was particularly strong and one could easily hear Holle speaking in whispers under the fury of the wind. It was a sublime experience.

On this trip, we also were able to get some potentially curative water from the hematite ore hole. I did manage to find the water hole that I stepped in last May. It seems that swampy area is not on the maps as a mining site, so perhaps we should collect some water from there. Allegedly, the water of Hexenkopf has healing powers, but two of the larger ore holes' power apparently comes from radon. We decided to stick with the hematite.

We are looking forward to the Sege on April 30 as the Wild Hunt comes to an end. :)

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