Tuesday is the 326th anniversary of the arrival of the first German settlers to North America, coming in from Krefeld on the Concord.

One of (if not THE) most important individuals in the migration process was Franz Daniel Pastorius. We visited Germantown this weekend for some events that were going on in observance of the migration.

There is a large statue to Pastorius in Vernon Park. It is a beautiful statue, but I have to say that its condition is tragic. It has begun to crumble, and there are saplings starting to grow out of it.

I have no experience in trying to take on the restoration of a public object, but all Pennsylvania Germans and German-Americans should join together to demand that an item that so intimately represents our people and their contribution to America be restored to a stately condition.

Even with the crumbling and the saplings, though, you can see its beauty.

The park is actually quite nice, though some of the individuals hanging around it are not there for the historical value, such as the woman and man who did not even realize they were sitting on a statue when we came to take the pics. Additional pics are here:


What can we do to spearhead an effort to get this statue restored? Any ideas?

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Tags: deitsch, german, german-american, pastorius, pennsylvania


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