This year, Distelfink Sippschaft celebrated Hoietfescht as part of the
Asatru and Urglaawe Meetup of Eastern Pennsylvania and NJ's Freyfaxi/Hoietfescht Meetup at
Ralph Stover State Park in Point Pleasant, PA. The event was sponsored by Distelfink Sippschaft and the ceremony, which included features of both Urglaawe and Asatru, was led by Brian Weis.
The deities of honor for the day were Frey, Nadd (Njord), Freya, and Naerda (Nerthus). Hoiet is the haymaking time, and Hoietfescht is the festival of both the haymaking and the first harvest. At this time we honor the Wane (Vanir) deities, primarily Frey and Nadd in this case, who bring us abundance from the land and from the sea. The pavilion and the altar were adorned with offerings and flowers and color, as is Urglaawe tradition for celebrations of life.
It was a hot, humid summer day. The Sege (blot) portion of the ceremony proceeded comfortably, though, with Brian spritzing a cooling blessing from the libation using a sprig of elder from one of Rob's bushes. Shortly after Sege, a short heavy storm visited the site, but it did not deter us from cooking food outside of the pavilion.
The storm passed quickly but was followed by a nice, gentle rain. We proceeded down to the Tohickon Creek for Sammel (sumble). A beautiful mist was rising from the creek, and the gentle rain eventually gave way to fairer weather. Per Urglaawe tradition, we tossed the altar flowers into the creek as gifts to the deities.

Hoietfescht is a time of celebration. Between now and Erntfescht (the autumn equinox), we are to recognize the wonders of the universe and to revel in the joys of life. We are to reap the rewards of our hard work, and we are to rejoice in the love of family and Sippschaft. At this time, please take a few moments to review your accomplishments so far this year. Don't sweat the incompleted goals right now (but do continue to pursue them!). Celebrate your successes! Walk outside and feel the sun on your face. Make offerings to the Wichde (wights) as a token of gratitude for their aid in keeping your home and land safe. Recognize that life is a gift and that we should appreciate it and make the most of it and of ourselves.
Heel! (That's pronounced like "Hail!")
Robert L. Schreiwer
Die Urglaawisch Sippschaft vum Distelfink
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