The Gmeeschaftsege ("community blót") took place in Schlegelschteddel on January 15. Our purpose was to celebrate our community. We were fortunate enough to have Cody Dickerson visiting us from Idaho for his final Braucherei Weg class, and many of our folks who usually have to work were able to make it that night. We kept in mind our folks who are from outside of the local area as they are part of the Urglaawe community, too.

Hailed that night were Wodan for the community, but we also hailed Die Weisskeppich Fraa and Eer for spiritual and physical healing. We turned a blessing towards those suffering from loss in Haiti, and we also asked for strength for those who ran to Haiti to help with relief efforts. Hail to those who run into chaos to bring order!

Photo by Cody Dickerson

We had food... Lots of food... Chicken Corn Soup, Pot Pie, Dutch Cake, Potato Soup, food, you know. :)

A wonderful night with old friends and new friends.


Views: 140

Tags: Die, Distelfink, Eer, Fraa, Gmeeschaftsege, Urglaawe, Weisskeppich, Wodan


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