New Logos for Urglaawe and for Distelfink Sippschaft

Above is the new Urglaawe logo, which was designed by Kate Cullifer with input from the community on what to include. The double-headed Distelfink with the shared heart represents community and common purpose. The Elder flowers and berries inside the heart reflect Holle being at the center of Urglaawe as we "took flight" and rose over the years. The bird is straddled by Elder leaves and is perched on a Sichel (Sickle), which, as the sacred tool of Holle, has become one of the distinctive symbols of Urglaawe. Thanks to Kate for making this a reality! The color of the bird's body is derived from the American Goldfinch (males are black and yellow with sometimes a hint of green and females and immature males have more green), yet the colors have meaning in their own right. The yellow color of the bird's body reflects connection to divinity and spirit. The black of the heads provides protection. The blue in the wings and tail imbues the symbol with spirituality. Red adds emotions, passions, and life force. The orange in the beaks attract success in endeavors. The bird clutches a Sichel, or Sickle, which is Holle's sacred tool. The Sickle is a common symbol of Urglaawe.

This is the new logo for Distelfink Sippschaft. Rachel Yoder designed and painted the sign based on community input. Hunter Yoder added the rune wheel border. You will note some shared themes with the Urglaawe logo. Elder leaves and flowers fill the center of the sign, again reflecting Holle being at the center of the kindred. The kindred's common name (the official name is Die Urglaawisch Sippschaft vum Distelfink but Distelfink Sippschaft is used far more often) inside the heart represents community and love, and the Distelfink stands atop of those bonds, clutching the Sichel. The Distelfink himself represents the Deitsch culture, which provides the lens through which our Urglaawe denomination of Heathenry is observed and interpreted by our diverse community. The rune wheel provides the energies of all of the runes to the sign and thus to the kindred. The scalloped border provides a sense of smooth sailing, and red carries meanings of the phases of life, emotions, passions, thus resulting in smooth transitions through time and in our interactions with one another. The other colors carry the same meanings and energies as in the Urglaawe sign.

Thank you, Kate, Rachel, and Hunter, for providing us with these awesome designs! 

Now to get them rendered to cloth as banners and to have the Urglaawe symbol utilized on other items for use in all the Urglaawe communities everywhere! Distelfink will utilize its logo for Distelfink business and also for future Distelfink identity swag, etc.

Hail to the Artists!
Hail to the Community!

Tags: Distelfink Sippschaft, Hunter Yoder, Kate Cullifer, Rachel Yoder, Urglaawe

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